News Highlights
Press Releases

Paralympics Host and AstroAccess Ambassador Sophie Morgan Completes Zero-Gravity Mission

AstroAccess Ambassadors Advance Disability Access Aboard Two Zero-Gravity Missions

NASA Awards Space Tech Catalyst Prize to SciAccess for Advancing Accessibility in Space Technology

AstroAccess Successfully Completes First Weightless Research Flight with International Disabled Crew

AstroAccess Announces Ambassadors and Flight Crew for Next Weightless Flight

AstroAccess Collaborates with Aurelia Institute and MIT Space Exploration Initiative to Advance Disability Access to Space
In the News
March 1, 2023 -
George Dvorsky- Gizmodo
AstroAccess Is Making Space for Disabled Astronauts
March 1, 2023 -
George Dvorsky- Gizmodo
‘You Are Not Leaving Without Us’: Why Disabled Astronauts Are Key to Humanity’s Future in Space
December 17, 2022 - Gio Benito- Good Morning America
Disability inclusion in space
December 17 2022 - Andrea Leinfelder - Houston Chronicle
AstroAccess test at Ellington a starting point for sending people with disabilities into space
10/5/2021 - Space Ref - Press Release
AstroAccess Reveals Crew of 12 Disability Ambassadors for Historic ZERO-G Parabolic Flight
10/7/21 - News19 (WLTX19)
Columbia woman aims to make space more accessible
10/6/2021 - Sentinel - Tribune - Roger LaPointe
Blind BGSU professor launching into zero-gravity
10/5/2021 - WPBF25
WPBF 25 News Producer set to Fly with AstroAccess
10/11/2021 - UPI - Paul Brinkmann
Non-profit to send 12 disabled people on weightlessness flight
10/10/2021 - BG Independent News - DAVID DUPONT
Sheri Wells-Jensen embarks on mission to break barriers in space travel
14/10/2021 - FINN - Katherine Simmons
Crew of 12 disability ambassadors take on ZERO-G flight mission
10/6/0201 - Parabolic Arc - Press Release
AstroAccess Reveals Crew of 12 Disability Ambassadors for Historic ZERO-G Parabolic Flight
16/10/2021 - - Chelsea Gohd
Disabled 'astronauts-in-training' to fly weightlessly with Zero-G this weekend
16/10/2021 - Science Times - Ron Jefferson
12 Disabled Ambassadors Will Fly Weightless Aboard Zero-G Plane on Sunday As Part Of Disability Inclusion In Space Initiative
18/10/2021 - Able2UK
18/10/2021 - Daily Mail - Sam Tonkin
Disabled 'astronauts-in-training' complete a zero-gravity flight 32,000ft above Earth to understand how spacesuits and space vessels can be made more accessible
18/10/2021 - Space Ref - Press Release
AstroAccess Successfully Completes ZERO-G Parabolic flight with Crew of 12 Disability Ambassadors
19/10/2021 - Design World - Heather Hall
AstroAccess completes ZERO-G Parabolic flight with crew of 12 disability ambassadors
19/10/2021 - ABC News - Jaysha Patel
AstroAccess takes disabled participants on zero gravity plane ride
19/10/2021 - FINN
AstroAccess: “pure joy” as crew successfully completes ZERO-G flight
19/10/2021 - California News Times
AstroAccess takes disabled participants on zero gravity plane ride
18/10/2021 - Sat News - Press Release
AstroAccess + ZERO-G Deliver A Weightless Experience To 12 Disability Ambassors
18/10/2021 - Daily Hum News (syndicated ABC News) - Jaysha Patel
AstroAccess takes disabled participants on zero gravity plane ride
16/10/2021 - LIfeboat (syndicated - Genevieve Klien
Disabled ‘astronauts-in-training’ to fly weightlessly with Zero-G this weekend –
15/10/2021 - Newsfounded (syndicated - Chelsea Gohd
Disabled ‘astronauts-in-training’ to fly weightlessly with Zero-G this weekend –
20/10/2021 - Space News - Chelsea Gohd
Disability ambassadors successfully complete Zero-G flight
10/6/2021 - Space Explored - Space Explored Staff
AstroAccess reveals crew of 12 Disability Ambassadors for historic ZERO-G parabolic flight
10/18/2021 - Republic World - Hars Vardhan
Astro Access Carries 12 Disabled Volunteers To A Zero-gravity Flight 32,000 Ft Above Earth
10/20/2021 - The Verge - Loren Grush
The mission to break barriers to space travel for people with disabilities
10/18/2021 - Press Telegram - Pierce Singgih
Space flight takes turn toward accessibility at Long Beach zero gravity flight
10/20/2021 - BG Independent News - David Dupont
Sheri Wells-Jensen: Zero gravity flight was an emotional roller coaster
10/20/2021 - Scientific American - Rachel Crowell
Disabled Astronauts Blaze New Space Trails
10/20/2021 - Tech Times - Griffin Davis
Space Missions for Persons With Disabilities Could be Possible, Thanks To 'Mission: AstroAccess' | Will NASA Allow It?
10/20/2021 - The New York Times - Amanda Morris
A Future for People With Disabilities in Outer Space Takes Flight
10/24/2021 - The Stanford Daily - Adri Kornfein
Mary Cooper ’22 completes Zero-G flight as a Disability Ambassador
10/25/2021 - The Byte - Tony Tran
10/25/2021 - Medscape
Testing Space Travel for People With Disabilities
10/25/2021 - Long Beach Business Journal - Brandon Richardson
The future of space will be ADA accessible thanks to Mission: AstroAccess
10/26/2021 - Wonderful Engineering - Rameesha Sajwar
This Organization Took Wheelchair Users To Zero Gravity – And The Experience Was Amazing
10/28/2021 - Washington Post - Christian Davenport
How you too can experience weightlessness without having to go to space
10/29/2021 - The New York Times - Nicole Daniels
Lesson of the Day: ‘A Future for People With Disabilities in Outer Space Takes Flight’
10/30/2021 - The Courier - Sara Arthurs
BGSU professor flies into the unknown
11/4/2021 - The Houston Chronicle - Andrea Leinfelder
Decades after NASA rejection, a deaf Texan finally gets a small taste of space
11/5/2021 - ABC News 4 - Brittany Breeding
Disabled Army veteran makes history with zero gravity flight
11/8/2021 - Newz Hook - Ramya Venkitesh
AstroAccess Successfully Completes ZERO-G Parabolic Flight with Crew of 12 Disability Ambassadors
11/8/2021 - News@Northeastern - Eva Botkin-Kowacki
11/9/2021 - BBC Ouch Podcast - Beth Rose
It was magical' - the first disabled crew to fly in zero-gravity
11/11/2021 - Supercluster
Opening Space Travel to People With Disabilities
11/16/2021 - WPBF News - Tiffany Kenney
There was nothing holding me down': WPBF 25 News producer describes experience on zero-gravity flight
11/20/2021 - NowThis - Sofia Sellar
How Space Exploration can become more accessible
12/7/2021 - Celestial Citizen Podcast - Britt Duffy Adkins
Celestial Causes - Bonus Episode
12/10/2021 - BBC - Beth Rose
It was magical' - meet the first disabled crew to fly in zero-gravity
11/1/2021 - Newstalk - Sean Moncrieff
Disabled People in Space...
10/26/2021 -
A future for people with disabilities in outer space takes flight (repost of NYT article)
mar 25, 2022 -
The Right Stuff
10/25/2021 - Bolly Inside - Desk
Space travel test for people with disabilities
11/16/2021 - Talking Space - Sawyer
Zero-G and I Feel Fine – Mission: Astro Access
11/2/2021 - Live to Roll
Live To Roll - Experiencing Zero Gravity with Disabilities
01/15/2021 - Go Stanford
The View from this Horizon